Tech evolution
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In the game, each action performed by the player brings him experience. By collecting a certain amount of experience, the player increases his level. As the level increases, the amount of experience needed to reach the next level also increases.
When the player reaches a new level, he receives a leveling point, which he can use to acquire new skills or improve existing one
The first branch, PvP, is aimed at developing skills in killing, raiding and weapon creation. In this branch characters usually do not specialize in hunting, resource extraction or construction. Their main task is killing, looting and pillaging.
The second branch, PvE, focuses on building, exploration, resource extraction and hunting skills. Characters in this branch are usually not skilled assassins, but are excellent construction skills. Their bases can resemble castles, and they themselves are able to extract resources with high speed and efficiency.
The third branch, Mid, develops alchemy, stealth, hunting, magic and survival skills. Players in this branch do not have high level building or killing skills, but they are excellent scouts. They have an easier time hunting and surviving in harsh environments and harsh climates. They know how to avoid combat and can successfully fight off dangers with magic. They also have knowledge of alchemy and can create various healing potions.
In addition to the three branches, there is an Additional branch. Often it does not require deep knowledge and is not too deep.
The player cannot develop all three branches at maximum level, as the number of available boost points is limited. This forces characters to make a choice and develop the branch that is most useful for their playstyle and needs.
When a player dies, a certain amount of experience is lost. Half of the experience gained after death is used to restore skills. This system allows you to compensate for the loss of experience as a result of frequent deaths.
To change the selected branch of development, the player must go through a special pumping procedure. Such a system forces players to think carefully about their choices and develop the skills that are most important for them at the moment of the game, rather than those that may be needed in the future.