Character State
A character, like normal humans, has a need for food. At a low level of hunger, the character ceases to show the ability to regenerate health. At a very low level of hunger, the character starts to lose health until complete death. In this case the starvation effect is applied.
Even after rebirth (respawn) the character maintains low food requirement, which leads to lack of health regeneration ability. Regeneration of the hunger level is not instantaneous, but takes some time.
The character expresses a great need to consume water. If thirst is low, the character loses the ability to regenerate health. If thirst is very low, the character suffers a quick death within seconds.
Even after rebirth (respawn) the character continues to have a small need to drink, as a result of which his health is not regenerated. However, the thirst level is restored instantly, without delay.
Energy (stamina)
Stamina limits are a significant game design issue
In the game the character uses up energy when performing any physical activity. The energy level can drop as low as 0%. However, a certain percentage of stamina is required to perform certain actions. For example, it is impossible to perform a jump with 0% stamina.
Stamina regeneration rate directly depends on the state of other character's characteristics. For example, the level of hunger and thirst can affect the rate of stamina regeneration. More satisfied needs for food and drink can contribute to faster stamina regeneration, while lack of food or water can slow down the regeneration process.
This system allows players to strategically manage their resources and energy by choosing the right moment to perform actions, as well as paying attention to meeting the needs of the character to optimize their performance in the game.
Oxygen is a matter of game design and may depend on the desired gameplay experience and objectives. The inclusion of such mechanics can add depth and realism to the game, providing players with an additional aspect of resource management and survival.ания.
In the game, the character is constantly depleting his or her oxygen supply. If the oxygen supply is completely depleted, it leads to the instant death of the character. However, there are different ways to restore the oxygen supply, such as oxygen stations, oxygen sources or the use of certain products.
Oxygen stations are objects in the game world that allow a character to regenerate oxygen. Oxygen sources can be associated with certain places or events in the game where a character can replenish his or her oxygen supply. In addition, certain foods or items may have the ability to restore a character's oxygen supply.
When reborn, a character has a full supply of oxygen in his or her lungs. This allows the character to start the game with a fully restored oxygen supply and be ready for new challenges and adventures.
Brain disruption
Methods of obtaining may vary depending on the game concept and context
Brain disruption is a special characteristic of the character, which is passively regenerated at a much lower rate than other game mechanics. This means that the regeneration of shiz is slower, and the character must pay attention to its level.
When a character kills a creature in the game, it results in a significant reduction in brain disruption. This is because killing can cause stress or other emotional reactions in a character. Such events affect the character's psychological state and result in a lowered level of schizophrenia.
These mechanics create additional gameplay risks and necessitate a strategic approach to Brain disruption management. The character may need to actively seek out ways to recover from Brain disruption, such as using special items or performing certain actions, to avoid the negative consequences associated with a low schizophrenia level.
Acquisition and treatment
The ways of getting the Brain disruption can vary depending on the game concept and context. Here are a few possible ways to get Brain disruption:
Social interactions: Interactions with other characters, especially in conflict or tense situations, can cause an increase in schizophrenia. For example, threats, insults, violence, or loss of trust can increase the level of schizophrenia.
Stressful situations: Events involving danger, fear, death, or loss can cause emotional reactions in a character and increase the level of schizophrenia. These can be, for example, battles with powerful enemies, passing difficult tests, or falling into dangerous traps.
The use of certain abilities or items: Certain abilities or items in the game may be related to schizophrenia. For example, using magic that affects a character's mental state, or using items that cause panic or anxiety can lead to increased schizophrenia.
Regarding ways to treat Brain disruption, there are various mechanics that can be provided in the game. Some of these include:
Stopping Gain: The character can take action to prevent the level of schizophrenia from rising further. For example, avoid conflict situations or certain interactions that cause emotional tension.
Temporary rollback: Temporary rollback mechanics may allow the character to temporarily reduce the level of Brain disruption. For example, using a special item or ability that suspends emotional reactions and reduces Brain disruption for a certain amount of time.
Mitigation: Abilities or items may be designed to reduce the effect of Brain disruption on a character. This may manifest as a reduction of the negative effects associated with high levels of Brain disruption, or an improvement in mental.
In the game, the level of Brain disruption has an effect on various aspects of gameplay. Here are some possible mechanics related to Brain disruption level:
Regeneration of bio-parameters and crafting: The lower the level, the slower the regeneration of bio-parameters such as health or energy. Also, item crafting speed may decrease at low Brain disruption levels, requiring the player to be more prudent in resource management and strategic planning.
Changing loot: At low Brain disruption levels, the game may change the contents of the loot that a character gets from containers or killed enemies. For example, this may mean rarer or more valuable items that help the character manage his resources more effectively and deal with challenges.
Negative Effects of Very Low Sheesa Level: If the sheesa level reaches a very low value, it can lead to a gradual loss of the character's health and, eventually, to his death. This mechanism creates an additional level of challenge for the player, requiring strategic planning and balancing of the Brain disruption to ensure the character's survival.
All of these mechanics help create a game experience where the level of schizophrenia is an important factor that influences character decisions and behavior, and requires consideration and management to succeed in the game.
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